Showing posts with label current events. Show all posts
Showing posts with label current events. Show all posts

Thursday, June 14, 2018


In Thebes, the origin story of Atum the Creator involved Earth and sky's division into Seth & Nephthys, a third gender; both non-binary, by nature.  

In Greek and Roman antiquity, 
there ruled a Goddess named Cybele, 
whose followers transitioned, famously, from male into females.

Ugandans, once upon a time, raged against restrictive gender norms, as priests and Teso tribesmen preferred prints made for the women in their homes

Adoration filled the eagle-eyed Indigenous tribes in pre-colonial times,
as they celebrated sacred two-spirits who  enhanced their lives.

Hijras have existed, in India, for as long as the festival of lights, 
but it wasn't until this century
that they earned economic rights. 

When Joyita Mondal was elected India's first transgender judge, bangles clinked in thunderous applause. Determined to aid her sisters, she abolished trans-exclusionary laws.

Throughout the his and hers-tory
of the world to date, 
our gentle, gender variant friends 
were visible, and loved.

It wasn't until religion won that 
they were forced into prisons.
What good is false piety,
if all it does is inflict pain?

Why can't these wicked men 
see their prayers are pointless, 
when their palms are stained with blood?

To this day, we sidestep around inclusion in our own communities;
safe spaces only for some,
as they centre on cisnormativity.
Like false apostle wrestlers
who rarely sit and listen,
we landed in a sea of thistles,
silenced like the 'T' in 'LGBT',
and 'whistle'.

Somehow, over the muffled screams, 
we have the nerve to call our cultures civilized, when just last year alone, the U.S of Assassination claimed twenty-five innocent trans-lives. 

When trans-people of colour were disproportionately targeted in these attacks, when will we learn to love instead of separating white from black?  

Until our politics are stripped of poisoned prejudice, 
gender nonconforming folx can only 
live in fear of further violence.

Unless our sisters have access to
healthcare, housing, and are gainfully employed, we cannot pretend there's progress until discrimination's been destroyed. 

Give them power through our platform;
lift them up so they can stand alone;
make them feel like mighty Marsha P.  
starting revolutions with a single stone.

We mustn't forget race and sex were never choices that we consciously made.
Let us fight for our most vulnerable, and
amplify their muted voices that fragile men forbade. 

Let us resist until they return to their rightful places next to us once again. This civil rights movement demands the overdue acceptance of our global trans-families and friends. 

We will not evolve until they can be seen without also being afraid. Only once their suffering will finally end, will we ever be able to appreciate their truth, and their transcendence. 


Tuesday, February 20, 2018


Woman brought us to the Earth,
but man will take us out;
ruled by ego and insecurities, 
he shoots before he shouts.
The fourth world war will be fought
with sticks and stones, like in the past:
for the third will annihilate our home,
with one single blast.
If women ruled today, 
we would still have our humanity,
instead of this endless rage, 
that is often coupled with
unadulterated insanity.

Thursday, September 22, 2016


Let freedom ring, it reigns supreme.
Liberty's bell solely tolls for thee.
Red, white, and blue but only for you.
For me, red is the blood of my brothers and sisters you've murdered.
White, the ticket of privilege that buys you luxuries my melanin can't afford.
And blue? Blue is the police force that engages in brutality.
Its sole criteria for ending a life is colour.
I pray for the day there is no news of injustice.
No headlines about rapists who are freed whilst teachers are wrongfully killed.
Mama, when can we stop digging graves?
Help me understand when we stop being slaves.
Will we ever be saved?
There seems to be no end in sight to this crusade.
Is it reckless, are the riots in vain?
All that ever changes are the names of the innocents slain.

Sunday, July 10, 2016


You are familiar with ISIS, Boko Haram,
and I believe you even know the Muffin Man.
Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, and Gaddafi
are other famous names who fit
the narrative that demonizes Islam.

But I can guarantee, without a doubt,
that you have never heard
of the recently deceased Abdul Sattar Edhi,
for he was insignificant despite his existence
as a polarizing figure focused on the needy.

His altruism did not allow him to see caste,
religion, or creed; Edhi embodied
asceticism despite being surrounded by greed.
Philanthropy should feel fortunate
to have benefited from his brilliance.

All jokes aside, he was nicknamed
the “Angel of Mercy” for being
one in more than two hundred million.
He created a charitable empire
despite lacking any funding.

Proving determination is all it takes to create something from nothing.
Edhi was even dubbed the “Father Theresa” of Pakistan.
But once again, I must declare that our media
purposely ignored him because he was not
another mindless member of the Kardashian clan.

Exemplary of the positive aspects of
the Abrahamic religion he followed,
Edhi rescued abandoned infants.
rehabilitated orphans,
and even trained nurses.

Once reproached for his assistance of Non-Muslims
in his ambulances, when he was questioned for supporting
Hindus and Christians, he classically retorted
by explaining his vehicles were better adherents
of these bigots' twisted understanding of their own religion.

So I beseech thee, why is he still relatively unknown?
Is it because his beard and style of dress fit the description
of whom we are told to fear, by reporters we invite into our homes?
Whatever it is, I will do my best to ensure his becomes a household name,
he may not have wanted it whilst living, but soon his charity-work will be acclaimed.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Orlando Gloom.

There is no humanity 
when hatred prevails and reigns supreme,
when we are divided by our faith, 
dogma, race or community.

Our focus should be on 
the forty-nine innocent lives that were lost,
instead of whom to blame 
and which group we must accost.

When hatred takes over, 
ego is the sole reason a louse could feel like a man, 
arrogance ignored results in fools 
acting out their wicked plans.

Anyone who instills fear in others 
should be labeled as a terrorist,
it should not be reserved exclusively for 
that religion from the Middle East.

What difference does it make 
when families are bereaved, 
no amount of bleach could ever erase 
these tears or this blood from the streets.

Who would have thought a city filled with Disney magic 
could experience ugliness like this, 
if Mickey Mouse is not even safe 
then no one really is. 

The world is awash in mourning;
there is no humanity.
So we must look to the helpers to save us 
from being eaten alive by insanity.

Inhumane beasts like this creature, 
the byproduct of a corrupt society, 
are proof that ignorance untreated 
results in a false sense of piety.

For centuries, the battle between 
good and evil has been fought.
Today we learned acceptance is not innate 
and needs to be taught.

Take away their guns and weapons, 
let them wage wars with words;
it's said sticks and stones 
can break one's bones but never verbs.

It's evident now how desperately 
we need to make a change,
exclusion is not the answer 
as it only creates more rage.

Unless we learn to love 
and accept our fellow man, 
we will always be two steps behind, 
unable to accomplish all that we truly can.

Come together, right now—
as we mourn this immeasurable loss. 
When our safe spaces are targeted, 
everybody pays the cost.

He expected to put an end 
to the global community's pulse but failed.
All he accomplished was for our hearts 
to beat louder to show we have prevailed. 

Let us pray for the victims, before we ensure 
evil of this scale never occurs again; 
love will always be victorious
for only it can win.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Rape Culture.

The day she learned to talk, her mother cautioned her to listen.
Moments after her first steps, mama showed her how to run.
Preparing young Sylvie for the inevitable day, 
when she caught the attention of a man who refused to go away.

Sylvie knew all about the monsters under the bed,
she was well-versed on the boogeyman, who filled her with dread.
She could describe the Wolf-man, Dracula, and even Frankenstein,
but her mother warned her the wickedest creature of all was mankind.

She said, “This world was not built for us, we are merely trespassers here.”
Determined to protect her daughter from the same predatory men she feared.
Why do we teach young girls to keep themselves safe,
without teaching little boys not to hurt or maim?

We desire to build our daughters up to believe they can do anything,
to raise them to be confident, and devoid of suffering. 
But what good is it when society just shoots them down,
laughing at them for thinking it were any different now.

The prevalent culture today treats women like objects;
it teaches them to avoid late hours, and even polices how they dress.
When a man finally lapses, and commits insidious rape,
excuses are made in courtrooms, to prevent justice from taking place.

There is no such thing as justice when athletes and celebrities 
are let off with less than a slap on their wrists. 
How are our sisters and daughters to feel valued like this,
when all the evidence proves their cases will only be dismissed. 

It is as though their pain is meaningless,
like a woman’s worth is nothing when compared to her male counterpart’s. 
The system is made up of ripped stockings, scars, and broken hearts. 
How are we expected to compete with the corrupt patriarchs who are in charge?

Imagine the pain of having your innocence stolen from you,
the agony of being penetrated by someone you never knew.
No amount of counseling could erase the tears that come at night,
the sole consequence of being used then tossed aside, and left to die.

Rape is such a malevolent act, it robs victims of their entire lives;
the futures they could have had are tarnished, their dreams all fade to black.
Anxiety rushes to the surface, signaling another oncoming panic attack,
paranoia collaborates with post-traumatic stress creating never-ending flashbacks.

There cannot be change until even privileged rapists are made examples of,
justice will fail to exist until every criminal understands the severity of their actions.
We can pretend equality exists all we want, that will not make it so,
I stand with survivors and I’ll fight for their cause until faith in my fellow man can be restored.

In Reference:

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